Operational Planning with a Twist!

BAUNGON, December 27-29, 2022 – Now on its third year since the pandemic, the Bukidnon II Electric Cooperative, Inc. (BUSECO) has conducted its 2022 Assessment and 2023 Operational Planning Conference to prepare the cooperative for the upcoming year and remain braced exceptionally on the challenges of the power industry.Thirty-six participants composed of the Executive Committee, […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a diam sed enim lacinia rhoncus. Curabitur congue metus euismod volutpat scelerisque. Donec luctus velit nunc, et mollis leo dictum ac. Quisque quis gravida est. Praesent id metus ultricies, facilisis odio eget, convallis elit. Praesent bibendum lacus mattis est viverra, vel volutpat neque placerat. Pellentesque habitant […]

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