Operational Planning with a Twist!

BAUNGON, December 27-29, 2022 – Now on its third year since the pandemic, the Bukidnon II Electric Cooperative, Inc. (BUSECO) has conducted its 2022 Assessment and 2023 Operational Planning Conference to prepare the cooperative for the upcoming year and remain braced exceptionally on the challenges of the power industry.
Thirty-six participants composed of the Executive Committee, Management Committee, and some key personnel, led by General Manager Cristopher A. Dulfo dedicated the final days of 2022 at Hidden Valley Agri-resort, Pualas Baungon to the said activity.
The planning conference kicked off with a learning session facilitated by Dr. Dixon Q. Yasay which focused on the formation and wellness of the BUSECO leadership force, essential to fulfilling BUSECO’s Vision of having competent, honest, and responsive human resources toward satisfied consumers. Laughter yoga was part of the learning session. Laughter yoga is a type of movement and breathing exercise designed to promote intentional laughter.
The last two days of the activity were keen on operational planning and assessment proper which started with the presentation of Departmental accomplishments through 2022 Departmental Balanced Scorecards. To arrive at comprehensive decisions in the preparation of the 2023 General BSC – highlighting the key priority areas, an analysis of the current state of the cooperative was made through the conduct of a Current Reality Dialogue (CRD). Internal Auditor Roy A. Moises then presented the 2022 performance of BUSECO as assessed through the Key Performance Standards set by the National Electrification Administration.
The OpPlan concluded with the creation of the General Departmental BSC- recalibrated to ensure responsiveness to the BUSECO operations.
With the foregoing, and with all plans attuned and coordinated, BUSECO is confident that it is all set to endure the challenges in the year 2023 and beyond.
Onwards and soar high BUSECO!